Sorry for the Doge reference. Mah bad.
I've been neglecting NG as of lately - this is due to the recent spike in Twitch usage. But I've been partaking in the NGADM as a judge this year, which is pretty neato. Great songs, as usual, everyone seems to outdo themselves every year and I love listening. Easier to listen, defnitely, than composing, which I would probably be dead from attempting.
So, Twitch. It's flippin' FUN, Ace. I think I might be addicted to it. Playing games and having people watching/joining in/celebrating with you is one of the greatest feelings ever. Can't stop won't stop beeyutch.
School is almost done, thank fuck for that. December marks my final month of being a student FOREVER because I'm a-gradjeeating. I love how people ask "Hey, graduate school?" and I'm all "LMAO". Ain't no way I'm ever going back, never, never, I'm DONEZO WASHINGTON with anything that involves being talked at within the confines of a classroom.
YouTube has also been neglected, but I have some ideas that I've been tossing over which I'd like to explore. I feel bad, but it's getting a little difficult to juggle school/voice projects on top of uploading shite to the interwebz, so YouTube will just have to wait a tad longer.
I'm going to move in with my sister. So excited!
Alright NG, this has been a super-chill Phoamz update. Stay classy.
EDIT: So proud of both SoundChris + Hitokirito, and garlagan for doing so well in the NGADM this year. Congrats to garlagan for takin' the whole damn thing home. <3