I AM your neighbor.
- Phoamz
I'm headphoamz. Have at you!
Audio geek
Joined on 3/19/08
fuck no
take your broke ass to the store
- oh okay heh :D
*opens the door naked*
O_O... ehhmmm... hi...
this is awkard... I just run out of sugar. *points to huge molten caramel statue of me on the back*
... hmm... you can have a finger if you like. ^_^
You're so generous! Thank you. :D
Oh, the sub-context..... and on a site full of young men too
It's too hot to bake anyway :3 I don't use it in my tea/coffee anymore, just honey (which is almost always cut with corn syrup, when you buy it in the store).
Oh, ya know. Just Outkast lyrics. I love honey in coffee, too - honey in general is just tasty.
Sugar? *hands jar of sugar over*
Thank you, just what I needed! <3
@24901miles My first thought as well... though the euphemism's probably been used in song, long, long before the 1980's :) Ring My Bell, lol
Pure honey has no expiration date, so when they add it to packaging, you kinda know they're full of shit |: Considering the price, I might try doing what my grandfather did, and make some hives. You can buy bees mail order, think it's 800 bees and a queen or two for 80 bucks.
Geh. If I wasn't so frightened of getting stung, I'd get a colony...
If you want the honey, you can't be too afraid of getting stung ;) Bees are pretty chill, as are black mud wasps and bumble/wood bees; I used to try shooting them with my water gun, and they seemed to like it!
Yeah but I always run over them whenever i mow the lawn and THEY ALWAYS COME AFTER ME. I'm a sting magnet.
Nope...not gonna happen. *chews on sugar cane stick*
MMMm nunmnunmnunm
Fuck bees. Fuck neighbors, too. But most of all, fuck bees.
Yeah, gotta fill up those bitey holes at night, fill up their front door with dirt, and pack it in! It's amazing how deep they can tunnel.
Glad you're not allergic, my Pop was... but he didn't have the guts to use the epi-pen, so he had to drop his drawers to a houseguest we had. Glad I was out of the house at the time lol
Hahaha, that's hilarious!! Poor guy. I feel his pain. ...maybe not entirely accurately but it's there.
I want to see you on your BADEST behavior!
Could I persuade you to some stevia instead?
Hmm... I've had the stuff and it's not too bad, so yes you could!
All I have is saltwater...
Oh dear, that's no good :(
I have cinnamon candy. It could work.
*Gives sugar *
( ._.)
Thank ye :D