I'm headphoamz. Have at you!

Elspeth Eastman @headphoamz


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Joined on 3/19/08

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25th birthday. Holy what that's ancient.

Posted by headphoamz - July 14th, 2014

Hey Noogs.

It's my 25th birthday today. That's nuts. But yesterday I spent it with my family, around a campfire, talking about genitalia and raccoons and pyromania and smoking Earth's finest. Seriously, Coronas with lime? I had four. Plus Reeses cup cheesecake. Don't even. It was a great time. Even my grandmother was there and we even asked if she was cool if we passed around a spliff (which she was).

It's thundering right now something fierce.

I haven't been back home in a couple days so I haven't been recording anything and I'm a little late with responding (*cough* CartoonCoffee, I am so sorry I failed you). I have a bad habit of taking on more projects than I can finish. But I do suppose that's a good thing, too. I think it's wise to say yes to as many new things as possible so you'll always have something of which to be proud.

Timespinner is going on PS4. I'm so stoked you guys, you don't even know. Like... it'll be the first time my voice is on a console, for sure. A NEXT-GEN CONSOLE.

Also, there's a thing I did for a little game called Pillars of Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment (Baldur's Gate, Fallout: New Vegas). Actually, a big thing. Not much I can say, other than I'm stoked.

My friends at Galaxy Interactive have finally come up with a playable demo for our game Age of Blood, in which I voice the lead mage character AND the queen of the villainous Scourge. They're also using UDK 4 which looks absolutely beautiful. This hopefully will be a console release, as well.

Really, really considering going to PAX Prime as my voice is in in four of the games that will be playable there. Unfortunately, I have college to deal with first and it'll be my LAST SEMESTER EVER THANK CRIPES. Remember kids, there's nothing college teaches you that you can't learn yourself. Keep that in mind!

Happy Bastille Day, btw. July 14th is France's Independence Day. I like to think I should have been French for this reason as it's also my b-day but whatevs.
My boyfriend got me new Sony studio headphones, Kirby: Triply Deluxe, and Puppeteer. All good things. :)

"You'll never be as young as you are right now." - my grandmother. Thanks for that chunk of wisdom, Nan.






Not bad

Welcome to the quarter century club

thanks! <3

Happy fucking birthday Elspeth.

Thanks so fucking much! :D

Congratulations Elpeth on your 25th birthday.

Maybe soon your voice will be heard in League of Legends! (:

Hey thank you! I hope so, that'd be awesome. :)

Happy 25th!

Thank you :3

damn i want some of earths finest herb :{ gimme some! happy bday!

Hee! thanks :D

RE: Confectionery Goods
Can you give me some of that reeses cake?? i'm really sorry about hoarding up all my sugar the other day

RE: The Good Green Stuff
I had to google the term spliff...never heard that term before. My grandmother is cool with that ish too...but somehow my father/her children are completely against it...

RE: Moving On Up
Much congrats on getting to work with console game developers!! I can imagine how exciting that must be. Good for you. Congrats on your 25th birthday too, you've seemed to accomplish so much in your quarter century of life thus far...

RE: Post-Secondary Education
What are you studying in college and why? Agree for the most part about that statement regarding education- college is moreso an expensive social function, and hopefully to get you involved with experiences/internships that will make it easier for you to get related lines of work...

25 tho...dam bish u old lmao

Good things await in your future,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -

dude that cake... mmmm. Ha, weird how some family members are against and some for. I'm studying game design! Thanks for the quote. :D

Twenty-five thousandth birthday, more like. I know about you and your Ancient Elvish identity, pal!
Dancin' about with yer flutes and such, smoking magical spliffs.

Terrific to hear you're studying games design. I'm doing Games Tech myself.

Looks like you're really soaring up the ladder lately, with all these voice-acting contributions to big projects.
The world is yours, old sport.

Keep up everything, great to see a newspost from you, as always!


Ha! I would kill to be an Ancient Elf. I'd definitely be one of those Ayleids. And thanks as always Potent, I appreciate the kind words. :)

Late with Cartoon Coffee's bit? Maybe ask if you could phone it in :3 Sounds like you had a fantastic b-day, and wow, your bf really hooked you up! 25 is a good age, one of the best.

Yeah? I'm looking forward to it then, seems like it's going to be a pretty cool year for sure :D

Happy 25th Birthday! :3

Thank you Wavepad :D

I think I'm drowning in a sea of awesome right now. Happy birthday!

Dude NO! Here's a life raft! TAKE IT! Made of s'mores.

Happy birthday Phizzoam.

"it'll be the first time my voice is on a console, for sure. A NEXT-GEN CONSOLE." HAHAHAH YES YES! CONGRATS!

"Really, really considering going to PAX Prime as my voice is in in four of the games that will be playable there. "

Wow, look at you, goin' places! :)

Thanks Spike!! :D

52 now

Soooooo old :D

Dude happy belated!

Thanks Rob! ^__________^