Check it, sinners. Headphoamz here.
I gots some new tunes. Meaning singular uno tune. I'm not even joshing, this little ditty is a sweet number I just finished a little bit ago. It's called "Magazines".
Folks, I MEAN BUSINESS. Who likes animatin'? You? Maybe you can help me out here.
Even though it's ridiculously cliche, I need an animator for my music video. There, I said it. Don't laff.
Anyway, if you like to animate, please send me a pm or somethin', and we'll duke it out over the internetz for glory. Translated: I give you cash if you animate for this song I did. Savvy?
If you want to take a listen to the song, it's up on the song list deal thing. Check it OUT. It's fuckin' boss.
- E