I'm headphoamz. Have at you!

Elspeth Eastman @headphoamz


Audio geek


Joined on 3/19/08

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headphoamz's News

Posted by headphoamz - July 6th, 2014

I don't personally know if there is a higher power; I'm of the opinion that we humans are, in our physical form, alone. Other life may exist, but so far, it has not made itself visible to us. Perhaps it's of an energetic nature, where we can't see it with the naked eye, or it takes on some colorful form that reflects light in a way which appears invisible. Maybe it resides deep within a gaseous core of a planet out of our reach, or is so infinitesimally tiny that we'll never observe it through microscopes.

I just find it so odd that, as a society, we continue to hold onto a comforting idea that there is a powerful, all-seeing giant that created everything. There are varying definitions of a god, but I can't for the life of me believe that if it were a sentient, loving conscience, it would continue to simply watch as Earth's inhabitants copulated to the point of overpopulation, or slaughtered neighbors out of greed. If there is a law governing the universe, it was a human mind that contrived this law and applied it to every organism throughout time, in the sake of keeping the institution of religion afloat. How can we be so bold in that assumption, when we've never once set foot outside our home?

It's a very strong thing, this spirit of ours. I, for one, embrace the unknown universe as it is, with all its mysteries and realities that I will never understand. Though it saddens me, I've made my peace with the idea that everything is infinite, time is a variable, and humans may never truly know what sleeps in the darkness.

With love,

EDIT: Jesus Christ, from what I've heard, was a wonderful person and I think it's one of the highest roads you can take, to live a kind, accepting, loving lifestyle. So please, for the PMs insisting that I'm taking the express train to the big oven, at least know that I'm not leaving Jesus hanging at the door. I might not talk to him directly, but he's definitely invited to the party.



Posted by headphoamz - June 26th, 2014

Hey Power Rangers!
(I'd like to add that Power Rangers is currently in its 21st season of running. TWENTY ONE GODDAMN SEASONS, SOMEBODY 'SPLAIN TO ME HOW THAT'S POSSIBLE).

I feel like Newgrounds is such a magical place lately, so I needed to put out another project. Summer for some reason opens up more opportunities - why is that? Are humans more motivated in the heat?

WHATEVS CUZ I GOTS AIR CONDITIONING. Sorry sun, you won't be having the best of me today.

Anyway, this voice happened (de clickety): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/580147

I worked so hard on this voice track. I've been busting some mad sound FX chops lately and it's all sorts of fun. Especially when you can *gasp* WRITE YER OWN SCRIPT. I did it all in a closet, for maximum soundproofing, and the lights went out at one point and I recorded it and I was legitimately scared. METHOD ACTING WHAT.

I also voiced the main character in this game called Timespinner (http://www.timespinnergame.com). You have to check it out, the Kickstarter is extremely successful so far. AND WE'VE BEEN FEATURED ON KOTAKU! That's so exciting.


And check out this trailer for Battle Group 2, voiced by ya gurl!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wL8U_SpKWI

Y'all already know I got dat commander voice in there! I've had a lot of coffee in the past 24 hours as there is much more work to be done.

Also this for fun because got damn Liv Tyler is a ladykiller: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/headphoamz/speedpaint-liv-tyler

How's everyone's life going? I need some updates, it's been a while. THERE'S A FLY IN HERE ALREADY AND I JUST SWATTED FIFTY.


Posted by headphoamz - April 2nd, 2014

Hi friends and folk of the forest,

How's life? Right now I'm having my thirteenth cup of coffee and looking after a pitbull/boxer dog named Jenkins. It's raining but I'm still cycling to school because I'm a treasured member of the No-Car Club™.

So things are good, I got back from GDC. Wish I lived in California or at least on the West coast. For those of you who do live out there and want to work in any sort of media, consider yourself blessed. Actually, anyone living on the extremities of the US, really. The middle sucks. Indiana sucks. There's nothing here. Even if you think your cost of living is too much, I promise, it's worth it. Go out there and have tea with producers. SOMEDAY I SHALL BE THERE TOO~

Damn dog is getting into my laundry. Brb.

Okay cool. 
Anyone going to the NG party on the 26th? I'm really wishing I could, but funding, arrr, she be low after PAX East. 

Also holy shit Homestar Runner updated their site. I missed these guys. http://www.homestarrunner.com


Now I'm in class.
I'm sitting here in class right now waiting for the pain to end. When I get home I have a billion musics to write and a couple narrations. 

Oh, if you guys could come up with a phrase that I could say for my next project on NG, that'd be cool. I'd say it in different voices and upload it. Simple pimple.


- Phoamz

EDIT: From my FB: They should make a racing game with people dressed in late 1800's garb, driving antiquated cars, and call it Need for Tweed.

Posted by headphoamz - March 9th, 2014

Hey NG! What's shaking? 

I've been getting ready for next week, which is the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Will probably be there all week, so I designed myself some business cards and a new website (http://www.elspetheastman.com). If we run into each other, I'll buy you a drink!

AND I'm super pumped, because Crypt of the Necrodancer is an Independent Games Festival FINALIST for Excellence in Audio/Excellence in Design!! What a great team. If you want to get a chance to play it, we'll be at GDC, as well as PAX East this year!

Right now I'm working on two collaborations with two very awesome audio people on Newgrounds as well. Can't wait to show you all what we have in store!

Speaking of, SWEET NEWGROUNDS SHIRT. Goodbye NG Store. Never forget <3




Posted by headphoamz - February 14th, 2014

Flip to page 22. Read it. Put down the book. Go outside. Walk around. Look for someone wearing a blue t-shirt. Follow that person. Copy their movements. Make a call to your mother telling her you've found the one. Hang up abruptly. Wander around until it gets dark. Call an ambulance. Run away when the paramedics show up yelling how you're fine. Trip over a rock on purpose. Stalk a squirrel. Grab that squirrel. Take it home. Feed it chocolate. Set it free. Call your brother and tell him you've found a squirrel. Hang up, but not before taking three deep breaths. Stick fingers up your nose while saying "She loves me, she loves me not".

Whichever finger ends up in the right nostril is the finger you'll jam up your butt if you try to reserve a restaurant tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day.


Posted by headphoamz - February 2nd, 2014

Hey all! Good to see friendly faces. I'm super hopped up on coffee and the smell of California coming from months away... hee hee hee!

I recently finished the soundtrack to my friend Nick Yonge's upcoming game "i saw her across the world". It's the third game in his original series that will be released sometime in the next two weeks or so. Very exciting stuff, he's an amazing developer as well as a great person. You can also check out the prior two games here on his NG profile: http://kranggames.newgrounds.com

Here's the album on Bandcamp. It would make a girl happy if you took a listen!



Also, there's a free track on this album, so click and download it to your heart's content. :)

Hope y'all are well. I'm going to try and not eat this whole bag of Starbursts. ...aw hell, who am I even kidding. *nom*

- Phoamz  

Posted by headphoamz - January 20th, 2014

Hey guys! How's everybody doing?

Today is awesome because it's sunny out for the first time in like, years. Freaking snow everywhere in the Midwest changes you... IT CHANGES YOU INTO A MEAT POPSICLE!

Wanted to share a song I wrote a little bit ago from my album. I think you guys might really like it, I've been told it's a little Freezepop-y. A-check it out!:


So far the magical journey of sound is pretty fun. I just recently finished up voice work for ANIMEME on Youtube, as well as Dragonball Absalon and Blakinola. Excited to share the vids when they come out. I'm also really looking forward to going to California in a couple months, because criminy it's so cold here, I needs the sun.

Lastly, it feels weird living on your own. Like, no one ever tells you not to watch scary shit because you'll be up all night long thinking about it. I recently started Attack on Titan with my boyfriend - since he has his own place, I went back home and finished up audio work until 5 am and then I got freaked out because I was thinking about giants coming to eat me.

Anyhow, hope you're all doing very well. Thanks for reading. Hugs!



Posted by headphoamz - January 13th, 2014



Also, Duel With the Wind Keeper is uploaded: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/563133


Have a blessed afternoon, child.



Posted by headphoamz - January 9th, 2014

 Hey everyone! 'Phoamz here. Just wanted to updated you with the latest, especially now that we have these super fancy blogs! WOAH! I've been doing a lot of indie games lately and here are the most recent ones that have gotten some attention!2359585_138924707073_Screenshot2014-01-08at8.42.25PM.png

The first I'd like to share is a rogue-like called Crypt of the NecroDancer, by Brace Yourself Games with audio from Power Up Studios. It's a rhythm-based game, with the whole soundtrack by the awesome Danny B, and you can even use a DDR pad to play it - you have to move to the rhythm to beat the dragons, yo. The main character, Cadence, is looking for her father and must crawl (dance) through dungeouns to find him. Guess who voices Cadence? Wahey, I do, party poppers all around, have some rum! Really fun game, and so pumped to see it come out. Brace Yourself Games plans to release the game later this spring, but you can preorder the whole shebang, including the incredible OST, right now at http://necrodancer.com/. Available soon for PC, Mac, and Linux. Best part? NecroDancer has been nominated as an Independent Games Festival FINALIST at the Game Developers Conference! Wicked sweet!2359585_138924565173_Screenshot2014-01-09at12.33.56AM.png

The second is a 40's-style shoot 'em up platformer by krangGames - aka, my good buddy Nick Yonge, the creator of "i saw her standing there", "Beloved", and the upcoming "Emerald". The game is all about hunting down your precious turkey who ran away, RUINING your dinnertime! Now you've got to collect guns, lasers, rockets, and a whole lot of pumpkin pie in order to save your nuclear family supper. I play Momlady, who is only here for one thing and one thing only: killin' turkeys. My good buddy Jacob Burgess (http://www.makewordshappen.com) plays Dadman, who's equally as pumped to get his turkey back! If you love adorable, 40's-style, ass-kickin' good times with snowman guts and endless slices of pie, this game is for you. OH! I also wrote the music to it. So I say you should just go have yourself a merry preorder, right now, right here, for a mere $8: http://wholesomefamilydinnertime.com/ ...AND check out Nick on Newgrounds: http://kranggames.newgrounds.com/


The third game is a multiplayer airship combat game, set in a post apocalyptic world, called Guns of Icarus, from Muse Games. Extremely addictive, so watch out. You're able to pick and choose your own team, as well as a male or female character, and I was asked to provide the voices for the female characters of the game! So much fun to shout out orders at your crewmates... hehehe. You can choose the Gunner, Engineer, or Pilot position, and are able to brave the skies along with fellow crewmates. This was also voiced along with Jacob Burgess! The guys at Muse Games are super cool and just gave their website a makeover... so why don't ya check it out and give the game a look too? You'll be glad you did, especially if you want to hear me barking at you to turn the damn ship around! Guns of Icarus is available for PC and Mac, right here!: http://www.gunsoficarus.com


Well! I think that's just about it for now. Thanks for reading all o'dat. If you didn't, thanks for being here, being alive, and being you. If any of you are planning on heading to the Game Developers Conference, let me know, and we'll meet up for some drinks and stuff and whatever. I'll be getting toasty at IGF and most likely you'll find me hugging everybody at the end of the night.



Headphoamz (aka Elspeth)


P.S. Look how sexy I am.



Posted by headphoamz - January 2nd, 2014


Rock on.


- Phoamz