Hey Power Rangers!
(I'd like to add that Power Rangers is currently in its 21st season of running. TWENTY ONE GODDAMN SEASONS, SOMEBODY 'SPLAIN TO ME HOW THAT'S POSSIBLE).
I feel like Newgrounds is such a magical place lately, so I needed to put out another project. Summer for some reason opens up more opportunities - why is that? Are humans more motivated in the heat?
WHATEVS CUZ I GOTS AIR CONDITIONING. Sorry sun, you won't be having the best of me today.
Anyway, this voice happened (de clickety): http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/580147
I worked so hard on this voice track. I've been busting some mad sound FX chops lately and it's all sorts of fun. Especially when you can *gasp* WRITE YER OWN SCRIPT. I did it all in a closet, for maximum soundproofing, and the lights went out at one point and I recorded it and I was legitimately scared. METHOD ACTING WHAT.
I also voiced the main character in this game called Timespinner (http://www.timespinnergame.com). You have to check it out, the Kickstarter is extremely successful so far. AND WE'VE BEEN FEATURED ON KOTAKU! That's so exciting.
And check out this trailer for Battle Group 2, voiced by ya gurl!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wL8U_SpKWI
Y'all already know I got dat commander voice in there! I've had a lot of coffee in the past 24 hours as there is much more work to be done.
Also this for fun because got damn Liv Tyler is a ladykiller: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/headphoamz/speedpaint-liv-tyler
How's everyone's life going? I need some updates, it's been a while. THERE'S A FLY IN HERE ALREADY AND I JUST SWATTED FIFTY.
Heeeeey Lady Phoamz.
Nice to here from you, here on NG.
Here in Peru is all good. Trying to make some music and stuff. You watching the world cup? :)
Yeah, I've been keeping track of all the Miguel Herrera gifs, hahaha. Good to know you're still kicking it in Peru, man! :D