Not sure why it goes into 16ths at the end of the fourth chord.
Not sure why it goes into 16ths at the end of the fourth chord.
Just to mix things up a bit!
This music
I would use some sort of compressor on your vocal track, maybe even cover the whole mix, as the music drowns out your words in the first few seconds.
Also, might be good to go with a noise gate. Intake of breath takes away from the tension. Good content and story, though.
Thanks! I always notice tiny things about it, but I haven't had much experience with mixing, so I would always have basic things done. I'll be sure to Google those things and see what I can do on my next submission.
Thanks again!
Oh my. I can see this going along pleasantly with some sort of sneaky sequence in Ratatouille. What great composition and structure you have in your work. It tells a story - I love it!
I'm headphoamz. Have at you!
Audio geek
Joined on 3/19/08